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Genesis 24





In Genesis 24, we find many details about the life of Abraham and his preparation for finding a wife for his son. After losing his wife, Sarah, Abraham was looking to take care of his son. He charged his servant with the task of finding a wife for Isaac. 

Now, through this process, it is incredible to see Abraham's obediene to God in choosing a wife from his native people in Mesopotamia. He was so thorough in his obedience to this task that he had his most trusted servant swear in an oath to do as Abraham had asked. He asks and believes in success at every point. 

We read in verse 12, ”’O Lord, God of my master, Abraham,’ he prayed. ‘Please give me success today, and show unfailing love to my master, Abraham.’” 

The servant went to Mesopotamia and stood by a well in the evening. This was the time when women would go to draw water. As he is waiting, he asked God a number of requests to show who the Lord had as a wife for Isaac. Literally, as he is praying, Rebekah comes to draw well from the water. She was everything that the servant and Abraham were looking for. She was from Abraham’s bloodline; she was the right age to get married. She was even generous. When the servant asked her for a drink, she poured water for him and his camels. This is exactly what the servant was asking for. When the servant realized that God had answered their prayers, the Bible says in verse 26, “He bowed his head and worshipped the Lord.” 

He goes on to stay with Rebekah’s family, and eventually, she goes back with the servant to be Isaac’s wife. As we read through the Bible, we will see how their story plays a larger part in the overarching story of God’s salvation for all people since, through their lineage, Jesus the Messiah is born. 

But, I think it is important to note the faith and obedience of the servant. At every step of the way, it is encouraging to see how the servant is talking to the Lord. It’s also inspiring to see how each event lined up so perfectly to show the servant he had found what God said he had for Isaac. God had it all in control and he still does.  

It can be easy to look at this story and think of course he kept talking to God and could trust God because we know the end of the story. But the servant, in the middle of God's plan unfolding had to have little doubts along the way. Scripture says he wondered if God had made his trip successful. He kept being obedient even in his doubts. This reminds me of Jesus’ words in Luke 11:28, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” 

Who knows what promise is on the other side of your faithful obedience right now? We know we have the promise of an eternity with him. Yet, sometimes on this earth, we get so caught up on the end goal or the dream God has placed in our hearts. We long to see it fulfilled. And, we have to be careful along the way to not let our doubt halt our obedience to the Lord. To not let our wondering turn into wandering. The servant kept going even as he was wondering if his trip was successful. He knew he had an out because Abraham said he would let him out of his oath in verse 8. Yet, he was persistent in his obedience and talked with the Lord along the way. And of course, God came through. 

We should obey God’s commands and listen closely to what he has to say. Pray continuously. Can we make it our goal this year to talk to God at every step of the way? Can we make it our goal to tell God our doubts and fears? Can we remain obedient with the knowledge that one day we will be living in the promise fulfilled? 



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