John 9
The blind man in John 9 testifies, “I was blind, but now I see.” How has the grace of God transformed your life? What are some areas where you have experienced spiritual healing or growth through His grace?
In John 9:3, Jesus tells us that the blind man’s suffering was for God’s glory. How do you respond to suffering in your life? How might God use your struggles to display His power and grace?
In Luke 10:42, Jesus tells Martha that only one thing is necessary - sitting at His feet and listening to His words. How can you create space in your life to focus on Jesus and cultivate a deeper relationship with Him, especially amidst life’s distractions?
Like the blind man in John 9, we receive God’s grace not because we deserve it but because of His love and compassion. Take time today to thank Him for His saving grace and unending love and compassion for you.